I’ve seen this floating around and my amiga Janetha posted this, so I figured I’d follow suit!

A is for Apple, what’s your favorite variety?

Honeycrisp hollaaaa!!

B: is for Bread, regardless of nutrition, calories, or whole grains what is your favorite type to have a nice big piece of?

Hmmm I love a nice hunk of fresh sourdough, or just a really nice Italian or wheat loaf.

C: is for Cereal what is your favorite kind currently (just one!)

Hmm I’m not a huge cereal fan, but I’d have to go with Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Special K Red Berries!

D: is for Doughnuts, you might not currently be eating them but what kind do you fancy?

A fresh, hot apple cider doughnut from a local farm

E: is for Eggs, how would you like yours prepared?

Scrambled or over medium, please!

F: is for Fat Free, what is your favorite fat free product?

FF Greek Yogurt (Haaaaay Chobs!)

G: is for Groceries, where do you purchase yours at?

Stop & Shop, or the local health food store here

H: is for Hot Beverages, what is your favorite hot drink?

Hot cocoa, Dunkachino, or hot herbal tea!

I: is for Ice Cream, pick a favorite flavor and add a fun topping.

Oooo tough.  I LOVE ice cream.  Cookies & cream or chocolate peanut butter with peanut butter cups, butterfingers, oreo, or cookie dough!  I’m a chocolate fanatic

J: is for Jams or Jellies, do you eat them, and if so what kind and flavor?

Smuckers Strawberry Jam, or Polaner All Fruit Raspberry

K: is for Kashi, name your favorite Kashi product?

Kashi Go Lean Cereal or the Trail Mix Granola Bars

L: is for Lunch, what was yours today?

Amy’s Dairy-Free Burrito and a Mango Chobani yogurt

M: is for microwave, what is your favorite microwave meal/snack?

Meal:  Ramen noodles or egg white fluffies; snack:  egg whites again!

N: is for nutrients, do you likes carbs, fats, or proteins best?

I do love my carbs!

O: is for oil, what kind do you like to use?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO!)

P: is for protein, how do you get yours?

Greek yogurt

Eggs/egg whites

Garden Burgers/veggie burgers

Protein bars (Luna, Clif, Balance bars)

Occasionally some chicken/turkey

“Chik’n” patties

Q: is for Quaker, how do you like your oats?

Cooked in the micro with pumpkin, maple syrup, and nut butters of course

R: is for roasting, what is your favorite thing to roast?

Sweet potato fries or veggies!

S: is for sandwich, what’s your favorite kind?

Turkey with swiss and a fun dressing,  hummus/avocado, caprese sandwich.

T: is for travel, how do you handle eating while traveling?

Just fine!  I eat what I want and splurge a bit, but still try to stick to healthy meals, specifically at breakfast time.

U: is for unique, what is one of your weirdest food combos?

Hmm, I don’t think I have anything too weird actually! lame

V: is for vitamins, what kind do you take?

Women’s multi, D, Calcium, and C sometimes

W: is for wasabi, yay or nay?


X: is for  XRAY. if we xrayed your belly right now, what food would we see?

You’d see my Dunkin’ french vanilla coffee coolatta with skim milk and Luna Blueberry Bliss bar from breakfast

Y: is for youth, what food reminds you of your childhood?

So many!

Kraft mac and cheese & hot dogs

Juicy Juice in the cans

Hi-C and Capri Sun drinks

Nutrigrain bars

Pop tarts

Baby Oatmeal (haha I still eat it!)

Cheesy au gratin potatoes


McDonalds and Wendy’s burgers

Taco Bell Kids Meals

Potato bread

Grape jelly (ick)

So many more!

Z: is for zucchini, how do you prepare it?

Grilled or in zucchini bread! 🙂

Later gators!

Life Goes On

Hey everyone!  I’m pretty sure I don’t have any readers left…kinda sucks but what are you gonna do?  Life goes on.

And life is certainly going on for me lately!  Quick update:

  • I’m graduating with my Masters in Counseling next week!
  • I’m DONE with my education for a good, long time haha
  • My best friend is getting married next week!  I’m her maid of honor!
  • The bachelorette party is this weekend 😉
  • I’m moving again 😦 🙂 (I feel both ways)
  • My birthday is in a couple months!
  • The bf got a new job and it’s awesome!
  • I got a raise at my job!

Yikes!  Talk about life changes.  Unfortunately, my current landlords raised my rent to the point that it’s not worth living there anymore…I’d just be throwing  money away!  Fortunately, I beat a couple people out for a really cute apartment (smaller, but cute!), for a MUCH better price and they take me and my kitty! Score!

I’m so psyched to be graduating!  Honestly, my grad school experience wasn’t the greatest (not so great faculty), but at the end of the day, I have my education and no one can take that away from me!  It was a hard earned degree, that’s for sure.

I’m really excited to take the next step in my life, and open up the next chapter.  My days of formal education are coming to a close (20 years in the making! haha), I’m sticking with my current job (not using my degree), for a least a year due to money and location reasons, although I do love my job 🙂  My boyfriend just got a position that will really help us save some big bucks for our eventual engagement, marriage, and kiddies 😉

It’s just a very exciting/nerve wracking time over here, but I’m loving it for the most part.  I really want to start blogging more consistently (I’ll sure have the time!), so we’ll see how it goes!  I’m so worried I’m going to be so bored now that I’m done with school! I’m used to a very hectic school/work/internship combination and pulling 60 hour weeks combined! No  more for this girl!  40 hour weeks and more $$  helloooo 🙂  I’m really looking forward to catching up on my reading (for leisure), organizing and decorating my new place and spending quality time with my friends and family that took a figurative backseat during these long college years.  I still read blogs multiple times a day and comment occasionally so I know how you’re all doing, but tell me anyway!  What’s up buttercups!?


Can it be!?

I truly cannot believe that 2011 is just days away.  I just happened upon my final post of 2009, which was all about ringing in 2010 and my views on New Years Resolutions.  I seemed happy enough when I wrote that post, but I know I wasn’t.  I cannot remember how many times during 2010 I referenced my “boring New Years Eve” where I just sat at home by myself.  Way to be a Debbie Downer, hm?

I realize that although I was recently heartbroken and alone, that I had a lot going for me then…and I have even more going for me now.

So here we are, a full year later (minus a couple of days) and I feel light years away from having been that person.  I’m happy again.  2010 for me was all about growth and happiness…doing things for me, and spending a LOT less time mourning the losses of things and people that I thought I had, but really didn’t.  I discovered myself a lot more, and what it means to do thing for you.  I’ve always thought that the comforting things in life (comfort food, drinks with friends, curling up on the couch with a good book, taking trips, indulging in chocolate or trashy TV, diet soda, days off from exercise) had to be spread out, that you weren’t allowed to enjoy these things every day.  Why I should I be “allowed” to have macaroni and cheese and diet soda, all while reading on my couch in my pajamas?  This just seemed like too many good things at once.  Why was I depriving myself from indulgences, aka comfort for my soul?

You can have all those things and be okay!  I’m not sure if I was intentionally depriving myself from things that I deemed “comforting” because I felt I needed to conform to what society seemed to consider to be “healthy” standards, or if I simply was punishing myself for not being entirely happy in other areas of my life, and therefore, why should I be allowed to be “comforted” daily?  I may be some pounds over my ideal weight, and I may not exercise like I used to, but you know what?  I’m happy.  I have reached a point in my life where I’m (mostly) comfortable with who I am, inside and out, and the activities I engage in.  I have a good job, I’m thisclose to having my Master’s degree in something I’m passionate about, I have a loving family, friends, boyfriend, and I’m on my way toward good things; I can feel it.

I’d by lying if I said that everything in my life was perfect, because it’s not.  There are things that I wish I could change about not only myself, but things going on around me.  But I can’t.  There are goals and dreams I have for my life that I wish were happening now, but they aren’t.  But you know what?  I’ll live.  Remembering that it’s not necessarily when you reach those goals, but the journey you took getting to them.  I can’t forget that.

So this New Year, I don’t have any concrete resolutions, per se.  I have things I want to work on within myself, and things that I want to learn to be more laid back about with others in my life.  But as a person, I feel good about who I am.

Even though I have not posted much this year, I still read all of your blogs daily.  There has been so many wonderful things in my life this year, that I have simply been out living life.  The blog world is a part of me that I will never forget, and will continue to be a part of through reading and posting when I can.  Reading your blogs each day gives me a great feeling of connectedness and happiness to see others living their lives too.  🙂


Have a happy and safe New Year everyone!



A non-dairy Amy’s burrito


…with a side of cheddar cheese.


Mind boggling, hmm? 😉

Happy Holidays!

Hey everyone!  No use pretending it hasn’t been four months (eeeeek) since I last posted….I’d be surprised if I had any readers left!

Quick re-cap on my busy busy life:

  • Jamaica ROCKED…can I go back now?  Please and thank you.
  • I celebrated 8 months (almost 9!) with the boy 😉
  • I just completed my second to last semester of graduate school (aka second to last semester EVER)
  • My bestie is getting married in five months!
  • My favorite holiday ever is right around the corner!

It’s been a whirlwind couple of months, but overall 2010 has been good to me!  Some awesome 2010 things:

  • Visited my sister at her new home
  • Went on a week-long vacation to Florida with my family
  • Met my wonderful boyfriend 🙂
  • Moved out of my parents house and into my own apartment
  • Celebrated my 23rd birthday
  • Completed 3/4 of my Masters degree
  • Went to Jamaica (first time in the Caribbean!) on a week-long vacation with my boyfriend
  • Took my little brother to college (sniffle!)
  • Spent a lot of quality time with my family and friends (old and new!)
  • Helped my best friend pick out her wedding dress
  • Bought my first new car
  • Celebrated Christmas with my wonderful family, boyfriend, and boyfriend’s family! (To come!)


Wow when I type it out like that, I really have absolutely nothing to ever complain about.  Sure, life has been tough this year too for many reasons, but when I look at that list (and those are just the major things!)…I am so incredibly blessed.


What made your 2010 special?


Hi everyone!  I’m currently writing this post while on an endorphin high (the best and ONLY kind!).  I’ve been crazy busy with working full time/summer classes full time that exercise has sadly been put on the back burner all summer 😦  Makes me really sad.  I whine often that I “just don’t have time” and when push comes to shove with a busy schedule, exercise is always the first thing to go.

But I LOVE to exercise, so what gives?  I was inspired by a recent post from the lovely Iowa Girl Eats who brought up the topic of tired vs sluggish.  This got me thinking about the difference between the two…I mean there is a difference…right?  Right.

You know you’re tired when your body just can’t do it anymore.  You’re utterly exhausted from going going going and/or lack of sleep that you just crash.  I’ve had this happen to me a lot the past few weeks, but what I’m coming to realize is that the “tiredness” that I attributed to not exercising is actually a big ‘ol case of sluggishness.

Those 5 am workout I had 4 days a week last summer?  Gone.  The Friday afternoon gym workouts after my early work release?  Nope.  Taking advantage of the weekend to get my workouts in at 7 am right when the gym opened?  Haha, funny.  So what happened!? Well, life happened!

It was way too easy to allow myself to forget how good it feels to get in a workout before your day has essentially even started, or to have your workout done on a Saturday before the rest of the world even rolled out of bed.  Allowing myself to be consumed with school work, projects, deadlines, reading assignments, and work assignments led me straight into an exercise slump.

After recently moving into my first apartment by myself, I truly valued any time I was able to spend there relaxing (which wasn’t/isn’t much).  I often used that as an excuse to not exercise, telling myself I’d do an exercise DVD when I got home from a long day and night of work and class.  But I never did.  The other night my boyfriend and I had a conversation.  It really struck a chord in me.  I was whining yet again about being exhausted and having no time to exercise yada yada yada, when he starting giving me some suggestions about when and how I could workout.  He suggested early morning, and even offered to get up with me the following morning at 5:30 am (even though he didn’t have to be into work until noon) and do a workout DVD with me, just to keep me motivated.  Did I take him up on it?  Noooo.   Instead I got defensive, snapping at him that I knew all about how and when I needed to be and should be exercising, that I just didn’t have time.  Truth?  I did have time.

I almost fell asleep at my desk at work twice this week.  That’s never happened to me before.  Even during downtime, I’ve always been able to occupy myself with other things (blog reading, book reading, online shopping 😉 ), but not this week.  Granted, I am trying to ward of a cold/allergies or something of the sort, but I’m nowhere near incapable of staying awake at my desk.  That’s when I realized I needed to snap out of it!  I wasn’t tired, I was sluggish.  I was in the middle of a no-exercise, no-endorphin SLUMP.  So here I am, professing to the blog world, that I’m snapping out of it!  Today is Friday, and a perfect day to start!  Who said you had to wait until Monday to start something new and productive? 😉

I squeezed in a 25 minute intense treadmill walk on my lunch break today, and although I know it isn’t much, it is what my schedule permitted me today.  I plan on going for a walk after work too…I love to walk!  Being outside and in the fresh air again  is something my body (and mind!) is going to thank me for big time; I know it.

It’s all about baby steps.  So if you’re feeling sluggish today, or caught in a slump…take a small step and do something for yourself today; you deserve it! 🙂

It’s Amazing…

…that I’m in the midst of three summer classes

….that I’m working full time

…that I’m going to Jamaica in ONE MONTH!

….that my girlie Rebecca is having an Amazing Giveaway! Enter now!


Eat Fresh

Turkey, lettuce, tomato, pickles and one line of light mayo on whole wheat.  With Southwestern Ranch Baked Lays and lemon and honey iced tea 🙂

Uh, Hello.

Hello my friends!!! I’d ask you all how you’ve been, but I’ve been keeping up on your fabulous blogs so I pretty much know! (stalker alert!) 😉

I have had a crazazy past few months but things are finally settling down…or at least into a routine!  I finished up my first year of graduate school (shout out to a few other bloggies who have done the same!) with a 3.4 GPA (not too shabby!) and some great experiences.  I wish I could say that I was donezo until September, but alas, that is not the case.  I will be taking three summer classes (gag), one of which starts next week.  I am also back to working full time ($$$) which is great, but leads to a busy summer schedule!

Oh a more fun note…I’m moving into my own apartment next weekend!! I am so excited!  I lived on my own for four years when I went to college, but then moved back home for a year post graduation.  Now I’ve found a cozy little one bedroom just for me, and am happily spending all the money I’ve saved for this very moment on lovely things like big comfy chairs and a TV 🙂

I’m also in the process of planing a tropical vacay (thank you tax refund!) with the new bf (haaaaay 😉 ) and I’m very excited!! I’ve been to Florida and the like, but never a real tropical vacation, and not with anyone other than my fam!  This isn’t for a few months yet, but I’m pretty ecstatic!

So where does this leave me blog wise?  Well I have a lot of super, awesome, amazing and busy things going on in my life right now, but I always make time for blog reading!  I read about your lives religiously!  As for posting myself, we’ll see how it goes!  This week starts my “I’m-trying-really-hard-to-have-a-tropical-vacation-ready-bod-in-2-months” goal!  I’ve been hitting the gym a few mornings a week before work (ugh early!) and then on the weekends, so we shall see!  That kind of vacation is motivation for sure!  I’m going to do my best to get some interesting posts in this summer, so here’s to hoping! 🙂


Burrito Overload

Hey ladies! Happy Friday 🙂

As I said in my previous post, one meal a day usually consists of a yogurt mess, our of sheer convenience!  However, what I neglected to say is that a good 90% of the time, the other meal (usually lunch) is a frozen burrito!  Not just any frozen burrito though, either an Amy’s or a Cedarlane!  I’m an Amy’s girl all the way, but lately the Cedarlane brand has been catching my eye (and my tum!).  The Cedarlane brand are just packed with more filling than Amy’s, more protein, and 20 less calories!  How do they do it!?  An A+ in my book!

Hello, friend 🙂

I highly HIGHLY recommend 🙂

PS:  Cedarlane has no idea who I even am, so trust me; they most definitely did not offer me anything for this post!

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