I’m Gonna Blow Away!

It’s so windy here today!  Nice weather, where are you!?  Go away rain and wind!  We need nice weather for graduation on Sunday;  let’s not play these games, okay weather?  Okay, thanks.

I’m officially DONE with finals!  I think I did pretty well on the one I took yesterday afternoon, although it was crazy writing intensive…I wrote 13 small pages ugh!  But I’m finished, and I found out I got an A on a group project we had for that class.  Woo hoo!  Now, let the packing commence!

Lunch yesterday was quite filling and delicious!  I took one can chunk light tuna, mixed it with 1/2 tbsp Light Mayo, some black pepper, and a couple slices of raw onion.  I had it all on a FlatOut foldable flatbread!  Soft and doughy mmm.

On the side, I had some leftover brussels from the other night, and some sliced bell pepper on the side


Open faced


With a side of my favorite fruit in the world…


Watermelon 🙂

I went to my final, came home, and whipped up some din

I, in another attempt to clean out the fridge/freezer, made a breakfast sandwich!

One Thomas’ Light English Muffin

2 microwaved egg whites

1 Laughing Cow Wedge



Side of steamed broccoli

1/2 Cup Frienship Whipped Cottage Cheese

All together now


Little extra egg white on the side there.

I wasn’t feeling very well last night, and I blame hormones for all the snacks and chocolate I consumed.  There were dark chocolate truffles, Hershey’s kisses, and some granola with milk involved.  Eeesh.  Whatevs, it happens people.

It DID make me feel better though 😉

It got up this morning to a gusty and rainy day, so I lounged til the gym opened at 8:30, and headed over with the roomie.  I did 42 minutes elliptical, levels 11-13 and 15 minutes powerwalking on the tread.

Calorie Burn:  457

Not too shabby.

Oh yeah, before my workout I had a cup of tea with Stevia and 1/2 of a banana with 1/2 tbsp Mighty Maple!

Breakfast was tasty!  Using up that fridge stuff!

Blueberry Chobani with 1/4 tbsp flax

1 Kashi Honey Oat Waffle with 1/4 tbsp flax, squirt SF Maple, AND 1 tbsp Chocolate PB2!!!

I also had 1/2 of a sliced banana on the waffle!


Sorry for the blurry Chobs pic!  I LOVED the Chocolate PB2, definitely a favorite in my book.  Subtle chocolate flavor, and I actually think I like this one more than the regular flavor!

Tasty and delcious to fuel me or…a big, fun, day of packing up my apartment (oh, how I’ll miss thee!) 😛

Catch you guys lata!!

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. janetha
    May 14, 2009 @ 11:48:22

    yay for an A! good job lady. i love chobani ANAD watermelon mmmm! i reordered some PB2 and sprung for the 3 regular and 1 chocolate package.. never tried the chocolate but am excited to especially after what you said here. you are right.. junk snacking happens, but it doesnt always make you feel better so i am glad it did! at least it was worth it right? have a glorious thursday!


  2. Meredith
    May 14, 2009 @ 14:08:25

    Congrats on being done with finals!


  3. Emily
    May 14, 2009 @ 15:46:25

    YAy for being done!

    I wish I could find whipped cottage cheese!

    I just got a watermelon today! whoop! Perfect summer fruit!


  4. ksgoodeats
    May 14, 2009 @ 19:37:44

    It was SO windy here too!! Congrats on being done!! Love the blueberry Chobs! I really need to suck it up and order PB2 because it sounds amazing.

    Enjoy your break 🙂


  5. Jess
    May 14, 2009 @ 22:02:11

    Congrats on graduation and that A. Woohoo! I love Chobani. It’s soo yummy–the blueberry flavor rocks!
    ❤ jess


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